Performance Salons 1 & 2


In the first series of Salon performances at the home space, artists explored themes as diverse as the noise of the kitchen appliances to favourite songs, and two artists from Moscow performed in London for the first time.


Performance Salon #1

January 1999

The first event/exhibition at the home space, home 1 brought twenty contemporary artists together, who installed work within all the inhabited spaces of the house at 1a Flodden Road.

Artists: Bob & Roberta Smith, Jessica Voorsanger, Mary Mathieson, Koushan Navabi, Jane Bustin, Oona Grimes, Fran Burden, Andrew Kearney,   Susan Collins, Mona Kher, Anderson Inge, Laura Ford, Rebecca Fortnum, Wendy Kloos, Jaquie Poncelet, Frances Richardson, Emma Ronay, Hermione Wiltshire, R.L Withers, Julian Woropay

Performance Salon #2

9th & 10th July 1999

For two nights only, twelve live artists took  over the family house of artist Laura Godfrey-isaacs and structural designer Glen Haddon. The event was simultaneously broadcast live on the internet and screened at a special installation event at 291 Gallery.

Artists included: Bobby Baker, Helena Bryant, Michelle Griffiths, Janet Hand & Tessa Speak, Hayley Newman, Clare Roberts, Joshua Sofaer, Gary Stevens, work-seth/tallentire, Julian  Woropay.

A comprehensive DVD which documents the performance and video work, includes interviews with the artists, introductory  texts and biographies is available for sale through the website.


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